GeoBreak | Rock Breaking Case Study

Project Contractors/Project Client: Western Grater Contracting – Hazelwood Construction Services Project Details: Widening McCallum Road to the north and installing two new signalized intersections at the entrances to Costco. Rock breaking oversize material using non-explosive GeoBreak Expanding Grout. Victoria, BC – February 2020 Scope of the Project: Clearing and stripping Rock blasting and removal Common…

Jewel | Mission River Crossing

Jewel Holdings was contracted by Fraser River Pile & Dredge (GP) Inc to complete the installation of the new sewer forcemain for the Mission River Crossing Project. Start Date: November 2021 Estimated Completion Date: March 2022 Project Engineer: Onsite Engineering Ltd. The scope of work for the Mission River Crossing project includes: Welding 1 km…

SCS Lean Manufacturing and Innovation

Manufacturing is not an industry most people would associate with philosophy, but within this massive sector of the global economy lies an ideology that has been around since the 1940s. In 1948, Kiichiro Toyoda visited a supermarket in Japan and noticed that the shelves were stocked with just enough items to fill the shelf and…